Back-up Collisions Continue Despite Latest Technology

What can be done to stop this?

Almost every new car now comes equipped with sensors, cameras, video screens and/or audio warning systems that make backing up easier — and hopefully safer. But many drivers rely on the technology — not on their eyes and ears — and continue to hit people and vehicles behind them.

Back-over accidents kill 210 people and injure 15,000 people every year.

According to a national advocacy group,, at least 50 children are backed over every week by vehicles, usually trucks or SUV’s. The average age of victims is from one to two years old. And in most cases, the driver is a parent or close relative. More information is here: Fact Sheet for Backovers

Cameras do not significantly lower risk of back-over incidents

Auto safety technology has been around for many years, at first in luxury vehicles. Recognizing their effectiveness, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration forced auto manufacturers to include safety technology in even their least expensive models.

The NHTSA analyzed back-up incident data and found that backup cameras more than doubled during that time, but that injuries only decreased by eight percent. Fortunately, the fatality rate improved by 31 percent.

The NHTSA is mandating that all passenger vehicles have back-up cameras by 2018. This will help increase safety as long as drivers are taught to continue using their rear view and side mirrors and to turn their heads to look all around before reversing.

A good injury lawyer can help you recover your damages

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident here in North Texas, you need to consult with a Dallas Fort Worth accident lawyer as soon as possible to discuss your claim.

If another driver has hit you and caused you injuries, you need to file a claim and possibly file a lawsuit. In order for your car accident lawsuit to be successful and yield the damages that you need to pay for your economic and non-economic losses, you will have to prove the other driver’s negligence, i.e. his failure to act with reasonable care. You will also have to prove that your economic damages, including your medical bills and lost wages, resulted due to the accident. Many complicated rules and procedures regulate how this evidence is gathered and presented to the insurance company and court.

Figuring out how to file an insurance claim and fighting the at-fault driver’s insurance company is confusing and frustrating. In order to increase your compensation, it is important that you contact an experienced Fort Worth personal injury lawyer. He will do everything possible to make sure that you receive a good recovery for the damages you have suffered.

For a free, no obligation consultation, please contact our law firm online or call us today.


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